Sunday Kuligai Timings

Kuligai kalam is the particular time and it lasts for 90 minutes or 1.5 hours everyday. Like rahu kalam and yamagandam, Kuligai Kalam also calculated based on Sunrise and Sunset Time.

Sunday Kuligai Timings are 3 to 4.30 PM

Our Ancestors derived kuligai timings and followed for hundreds of years with great belief. As per them, its advisable to avoid these timings on sunday for carrying out any auspicious as well as inauspicious activity.

Sunday3 to 4.30 PM

According to Hindu astrology, Kuligai is believed to be the son of Lord Sani or Saturn. Kuligai is also known as ‘Maandi’. Kuligai kalam is not allotted a day of the week but rules over about 1.5 hours of every day. Auspicious ceremonies like marriage are avoided during kuligai kaalam.  As this kuligai kalam is ruled over by Saturn. It is believed that during this time any bad or inauspicious activities also should not be performed. For example, death rites should be avoided during this time.  It is believed that any activity that is done on kuligai kalam repeats, so it advisable to avoid doing any inauspicious activities during the kuligai kalam.

Sunday3 to 4.30 PM
Monday1.30 to 3 PM
Tuesday12 Noon to 1.30 PM
Wednesday10.30 to 12 AM
Thursday9 to 10.30 AM
Friday7.30 to 9 AM
Saturday6 to 7.30 AM

Kuligai Kaalam is similar to Rahukaalam and Yamagandam, which are inauspicious periods associated with Kuligan(son of Lord Sani or Saturn) rules particular time on everyday.

According to Hindu astrology, Kuligai kalam is the particular time and it lasts for 90 minutes or 1.5 hours everyday. Like rahu kalam and yamagandam, Kuligai Kalam also calculated based on Sunrise and Sunset Time. Our ancestors considered, any activities done during the time of Kuligai will be repeated often. So this time is also called as ‘Blooming Time’. It is advisable to carry out any good activities during this time. It is best time to buy gold, properties and other things as it will repeat again and again.

One should not carry out any bad activities or any death rituals during this time since it will repeat again and again. Some activities like starting medication, getting loans, marriages, death ceremonies, etc. should be avoided during the period of kuligai.  Our ancestors believed Kuligan(son of Lord Sani or Saturn) rules particular time on everyday. This ruling time of Kuligai is called as ‘kuligai’ kalam or kuligai time.

Kuligai, also known as Koolai or Kulikai, is a term used in Tamil astrology to refer to an inauspicious period of time. It is similar to Rahu kaalam and Yamagandam, which are inauspicious periods associated with specific planets in Hindu astrology. Here’s more information about Kuligai:

  • Duration: Kuligai is a daily inauspicious period that occurs every day. The duration of Kuligai varies based on the planetary calculations, sunrise, and sunset times. It is generally considered to be a short period of time.
  • Timing: The specific timing of Kuligai for each day of the week varies. It is calculated based on the planetary positions and planetary hours. The timing of Kuligai is believed to change from day to day.
  • Inauspiciousness: Similar to Rahukaalam and Yamagandam, Kuligai is considered an inauspicious time period. It is believed that initiating new activities, important tasks, or making significant decisions during Kuligai may lead to negative outcomes, delays, or obstacles.
  • Precautions: Many people avoid undertaking important activities during Kuligai to minimize potential negative influences. Instead, they choose an auspicious time such as Muhurat (an auspicious period) for commencing significant events.
  • It’s important to note that the belief and adherence to Kuligai may vary among individuals and communities. Some people strictly avoid undertaking important activities during this time, while others may consider it as a matter of personal belief or tradition. Ultimately, the decision to follow or disregard Kuligai timings is based on individual preferences and cultural practices.
  • Significance: Kuligai is derived from Tamil astrology and is considered an inauspicious period. It is believed to be associated with negative energies and influences that can affect the outcomes of activities initiated during this time.
  • Duration: The duration of Kuligai varies from day to day. It is typically a short period of time, often ranging from around 90 minutes to 2 hours. The exact timing can vary based on the planetary positions and specific astrological calculations.
  • Inauspiciousness: Kuligai is considered an inauspicious time period, similar to Rahukaalam, Yamagandam, and other inauspicious periods in Hindu astrology. It is believed that commencing new activities, important tasks, or making significant decisions during Kuligai may lead to negative outcomes, obstacles, or delays.
  • It’s important to note that the belief and adherence to Kuligai may vary among individuals and communities. Some people strictly follow the prescribed timings and avoid initiating activities during Kuligai, while others may consider it as a matter of personal belief or tradition. Ultimately, the decision to follow or disregard Kuligai timings is based on individual preferences and cultural practices.
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